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Jammer dat ek nou eers die beloofde mail stuur, maar net na ons terug was by die huis het ons gehoor dat ‘n baie goeie en jare lange vriend van ons oorlede is en ons is toe Pretoria toe vir die begrafnis en het Woensdag laat eers terug gekom. Wasgoed is darem nou gewas en alles min of meer terug na normaal.

Johann na so ‘n vakansie en ervaring weet ek nie waar om te begin nie, ‘n goeie begin punt sal egter wees om vir jou dankie te sê vir die wonderlike reelings, die “Travel Itinerary” waarin alles so duidelik vir ons uiteen gesit is en dan nog die inligting van elke plek wat ons besoek het. Nooit het ons verlore gevoel nie want alles wat ons moes weet was vir ons gegee.

Die verblyf in al die stede was uitstekend. My mond het oop gehang toe ons by ons hotel in Istanbul instap en die pragtige meubels en matte sien, tot in ons kamer waar ‘n koper bed en drie matte vir ons gewag het. Die personeel by ontvangs was ook so vriendelik tot so ‘n mate dat ons daar gesit en met hulle gesels het.
So ook was die hotel in Venesi? baie lekker en so sentraal gele?.
In Rome het ons na ons B&B gesoek en tot ons skande moet ek erken dat ons ‘n paar keer verby die voordeur gestap het. Die kamer en eetkamer was baie gesellig en mooi en ons gasheer en –vrou baie dierbaar. Na 2 aande het ons soos ou vriende gevoel en is ons daar weg met ‘n belofte dat hulle vir ons sal kom kuier sal hulle ooit Suid Afrika toe kom.
Dit was ‘n baie goeie besluit van jou om ons in ‘n hotel naby die lughawe die laaste aand in Rome te bespreek want dit het alles net soveel makliker gemaak die volgende dag.

Istanbul het vir my ‘n ongelooflike bekoring, die Blue Mosque onbeskryflik en het ons tydens ons Bosphorus Cruise eers besef dat dit see en nie ‘n rivier is nie.
Ek het ongelukkig ‘n vreeslike sagte plek vir persiese matte en hulle “pottery” en het ek dus taamlike frustrasie beleef, Braam het my later gevra om asb net nie weer die hele storie van ons swak Rand te vertel wanneer iemand aan ons ‘n mat wou verkoop nie. ek het wel 3 borde en 2 balle gekoop en dit die hele res van ons toer as hand bagasie gedra, sonder enige hulp!!
Ek het nog nooit soveel mak goed versorgde wilde katte gesien nie, en die paar honde wat ek glo ook nie eienaars gehad het nie was ook so rustig en gevoed.

Venesie? het sy eie bekoring, met die rivier busse, kanale, St Mark’s Square ens. Ons het die Venesiese glas fabriek op Murano besoek, dit wat hulle daar maak is onbeskryflik en ongelukkig kon ons nie Burano besoek nie want die dag het die bote wat soontoe ry gestaak.

Met groot verwagting is ons na die hawe om aan boord te gaan. Ons monde het al begin oop hang toe ons sien hoe groot ons boot die Celebrity Silhouette regtig is en ons het daarna dit met moeite toe gehou toe ons aan boord gegaan het en die luuksheid ens beleef het. Ek het die prentjie in ons itinerary van die “stateroom” gesien maar ek het regtig nie besef dat dit is hoe ons akkommodasie gaan lyk vir die volgende 12 dae. So luuks, so lekker en kon jy nie help om baie “grand” te voel nie. Om op jou eie balkon op uitskop stoele te sit en te kyk hoe ons vaar was baie spesiaal.
Kos onbeskryflik, gelukkig het ons baie gestap. Elkeen op die boot is ook deur die personeel soos konings behandel, hulle vriendelikheid was besonders en jy is elke keer met “you are welcome” beantwoord. Ek glo ons damme in Suid Afrika het meer branders dus was jy nie eers bewus daarvan dat jy op die oop see seil nie.

Toe begin ons besoeke aan die verskillende dorpe elkeen met sy unieke eienskappe.
Na ons deur Koper gestap het, het ons op ‘n bus geklim en nog ‘n dorpie besoek, waar daar nie met karre gery mag word nie. Hier het ons lekker op die dorpsplein, wat so tipies is van al die plekke, gesit en ‘n bier gedrink. Met ons terug keer na die boot was daar ‘n plaaslike orkes wat op die hawe gestaan en musiek gemaak het. Hier het ons ook vir die eerste keer met die smal straatjies kennis gemaak en met mense wat heerlik en onbevangene op fietse rond ry.

Ek kon net nie genoeg kry van die pragtige mosa?ek kunswerk in Ravenna nie, dit is eintlik ongelooflik dat iemand werk kon doen wat soos skilderye lyk. Fotos kan nooit reg laat geskiet van die kunswerke nie en dit is ook nie moontlik om dit aan iemand te beskryf wat dit nie self gesien en beleef het nie.

Weer ‘n nuwe ervaring toe ons by Split in Croatia gekom het. Die boot kon nie in die hawe vas meer nie en is ons met bote vanaf ons boot na en van die hawe vervoer. Hier het ons met ‘n plaaslike bustoer alles wat die stad bied ervaar. Weereens was die smal en steil straatjies, die baie ou geboue ens vir ons pragtig.

Johann jy was bekommerd dat ons nie die trappe ens by Pompeii sou maak nie, met die gevolg ons het ‘n paar keer vir mekaar gesê, Johann moet ons nou sien toe ons in Dubrovnik die trappe geklim het tot bo op die stadsmuur, dit was ou en nie maklike trappe nie. Ons het nie getel nie maar dit was vreeslik baie, Braam sê dit was beslis meer as 300!!!
Daarna is ons saam met ‘n jong man in sy taxi en het hy ons rond geneem ook tot buite die stad waar hy vir ons die kortste rivier in die wereld gewys het. Die rivier kom onder uit die berg en is dit ‘n baie kort afstand voor dit in die see vloei. Hy het met ‘n 1 liter bottel vir ons water geskep en dit was die koudste, helderste en lekkerste water wat ek nog ooit gedrink het.
Alles in Dubrovnik was ‘n ervaring.

By Kotor in Montenegro is ons weer met bootjies vasteland toe en daar is ons ook met ‘n taxi na Budva ‘n moderne vakansie oord, daar is ook ‘n eiland met ‘n hotel daarop, wat slegs die rykes van die rykes kan bekostig om te bly. Soos in elke plek is daar ook die “ou stad”. Ons vroulike taxi bestuurder kan omtrent geen engels praat nie, maar dit het ons nie gekeer om lekker te gesels nie. Blykbaar is die Russe besig met baie ontwikkeling, iets wat haar glad nie aangestaan het nie en al wat sy gesê het as sy die plekke aan ons uitgewys het was “the Russians” en dan wys sy met haar vingers hulle het baie geld.

By Bari was ons “hop on hop off” nie so suksesvol nie, in die sin dat ons lang periodes moes wag, maar toe het ons die geleentheid gehad om ‘n kaartspel van 4 plaaslike mans onder ‘n boom te beleef, iets heel besonders. Gelukkig ‘n pragtige katedraal gesien en met ‘n plaaslike polisie vrou gesels, hulle was almal daar vir ‘n parade wat sou plaasvind. Die middag het ons ‘n goedkoop koppie koffie by ‘n “local” koffiewinkel gedrink.

Braam was baie beindruk met Valetta Malta. Hier het ons weer met ‘n “hop on hop off” na Mdina gegaan. Interessant was die storie wat die gids vir ons vertel het van die kerk waarin die inwoners tydens die oorlog skuiling gesoek het en waar ‘n bom op die kerk beland het maar nie afgegaan het nie, daar is ook ‘n replika van die bom by die kerk.
Die middag het ek weer na die midde dorp gegaan en is ek voor ‘n keuse gestel, klim vreeslik baie trappe of gaan met ‘n hysbak op na die midde dorp. Ek is baie bang vir ‘n hysbak maar hier het ek ‘n oorwinning behaal deur alleen met die hysbak op en af te gaan. Nie geweet hulle was onder Britse gewind was nie en ry hulle ook links.

Catania Sicily was nie ‘n mooi stad nie, seker ook omrede die meeste geboue gebou word met swart lawa stene en die geboue dus so ‘n swart kleur het. Ons het nie die toer na Etna onderneem nie, ekonomiese besluit, maar ons kon duidelik die berg sien met ons toer deur die stad, weereens met ‘n “hop on hop off”. Het ‘n foto geneem wat beslis nie ‘n kompetisie sal wen nie. Lekker koffie saam met die locals gedrink.

Nie tyd gehad om veel van Naples te sien nie, maar Braam het Pompeii baie interessant gevind en ons gids was baie oulik. Die waarskuwing van trappe en ongelyke strate was regtig nie nodig nie. Hier het die hitte begin en dit het voortgeduur in Rome.

Om dit wat ons in Rome gesien en beleef het te probeer vertel is nie eintlik moontlik nie, het taamlik baie geloop en toe ook met ‘n “hop on hop off” bus rondgery. Het ongelukkig nie die romantiek van die Fontana di Trevi beleef nie, aangesien hulle met restorasie werk besig was.
Ons gids vir ons toer deur die Vatikaan Stad was baie goed en weereens is dit ‘n geval dat ons nie aan iemand kan verduidelik wat ons daar gesien het nie en selfs fotos kan nie reg laat geskiet nie.

Dit was wonderlik om ons vriendin by die lughawe in Wene te sien en toe die hondjie Bunce wat vir ons baie spesiaal is. lekker rondgeloop in Bratislava en die aand by haar huis gekuier. Die volgende dag is ons Budapest toe met die trein, daar een aand geslaap en toe is ons Wene toe weer met die trein. Pragtige, pragtige stede en Wene is so vol kultuur. Het weereens ons toevlug geneem na ‘n “hop on hop off” en tussen die kommentaar het hulle die pragtige Strauss musiek gespeel. Braam het klip hard gesit en fluit met die musiek.
Toe ons die laaste aand in Wene besef het dat ons het nog geld het, het ons sommer twee bottels wyn tussen die drie van ons gedrink!

Bo en behalwe alle onbeskryflike mooi dinge, is dit die ou geboue, smal straatjies, stads pleine met mense wat sit en kuier, fiets ryers en laaste maar nie die minste die eienaars wat orals saam met hulle honde kuier, wat Europa vir my so spesiaal maak.

Dankie Johann vir jou hulp om hierdie droom vakansie vir ons moontlik te gemaak het.

Ek was nie van plan om so ‘n lang mail vir jou te stuur nie, maar dit was vir my weer ‘n herlewing van alles en was dit lekker om vir jou dit te vertel want jy weet waarvan ek praat en kan dit dus waardeer.

Lekker bly,
Braam en Erika

Hallo Johann

Baie dankie vir al jul reelings! Alles het klopdisselboom afgeloop en dit was 'n onvergeetlike ervaring!!
Jaco is sommer dadelik terug in die tuig met al die gepaardgaande frustrasies, maar om saans foto's deur te kyk en staaltjies met die kinders te deel, plaas ons vinnig terug in 'memory-lane'!
Ons gesels graag op 'n stadium.

Jaco en Marika

Self Tour Europe

Dear Johann

Words cannot express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the wonderful tour my children and I enjoyed during the December 2013 holidays! It surpassed all our dreams and expectations and we returned somewhat exhausted, but enriched and filled with gratitude for your magnificent planning, input and organization.

Although it was our first overseas experience, you convinced us that we would be able to cope on our own and did not have to be part of a touring group. And thanks to your day to day (hour by hour!) guide and itinerary, we felt like experienced world travellers. We were never uncertain, confused, lost or panic-stricken! The arrangements and reservations that you did prior to our departure ensured smooth train journeys, flights and comfortable accommodation.

Your unparalled knowledge of destinations and sights worth seeing was amazing! Your choice of cities and excursions was excellent and we enjoyed magnificent sightseeing at every destination (without your intimate knowledge we would have missed so many worthwhile things to see and do!)
You were convinced and so correct when you said that Praque would steal our hearts, that Lucern would leave us breathless, and that the rhythm and atmosphere of Barcelona would never be forgotten…
The only factor for which you did not prepare us, was the reality of and the adapting to South Africa on our return. We still yearn for the ecstacy and excitement which we experienced during the tour!
Thank you so much for your wisdom, hard work and hours spent on ensuring a once in a lifetime experience which we will treasure for the rest of our days!

Please also convey our appreciation to Melanie for her support and advice.
In the meantime we are saving our money! Start thinking of a new adventure for the Hattingh family!
Warm regards

Esta, Mareli and Leon Hattingh


Hallo Tessa,

Back safely, it was a wonderful time.
All travels went well.
Gothenburg a lovely town, very good info and public transport. Lovely big park. All a bit pricey for us with weaker Rand, but ok.
Hotel Lorenzburg very good, recommend it, people very helpful, homely place. Not far from conf centre, 10 min on foot. Good conference.
Germany lovely with all the autumn colours, did lots of walking in the forest. Good cheeses and breads.
Spent 3 days in Holland, walked a day through Maastricht with an untiring mother. She is well.
Travelled to Paris with ICE from Frankfurt, took underground from Gare de L'Est to Palais de Congres.
Full 5 days of TB conference, walked Paris at night. Walked as much as I could (I think about 10km) of Paris on Monday before flying back.
Stayed in Le Meridien Etoile, fancy hotel, bit more pricey (was paid for me).
The Europeans walk and they read. They have yummy food.
Thanks for all the assistance.

Ute Hallbauer
University of the Free State

Dear Nerina,

On behalf of Anja and myself, we want to convey our sincere appreciation for the interest as well as all the organisation regarding our trip to Mauritius. It was superb, and we would surely want go back some day. Thank you so much for your professional and friendly service. It is always one of the highlights of our trips to work with you in planning our itineraries .

Best regards. We will undoubtedly be troubling you again in the near future.

Cobus Pienaar
University of the free state
Senior Lecturer: Industrial Psychology


Hi Tessa

Thanx, we are are back and had a great time. We were lucky enough to see the
Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, antelope
canyon, and lots more that we didn't think we would have seen. It was an
absolutely fabulous experience and we took postcard like photos on this trip.
Delta is so-so. We have flown with better. But after-all this was not what
the trip was about. It was the fastest way to get there, but their service
on the plane is below average.

Thanx again for your assistance with our arrangements. We will definitely
make use of your service again.
Have a nice weekend.

Elamrie Kotze
University of the Free state

Selfdrive Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany

After listening to the radio program on RSG one Saturday, called Reis sonder Grense (Travel without Boundaries), to which Johann Beukes is a regular contributor, we decided to gather information on the possibility of a private tour to Europe for my wife and I (Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria).

From the onset we received excellent service and answers to our questions. Johann’s knowledge is stunning, and it felt to us that he knows everything about all the places where we would like to be. What we intended to do and see was fully incorporated in the planning, resulting in an unforgettable tour. All documentation was superbly compiled, supported by fantastic maps and references. Additional information on their history, ensured that we had sufficient background when visiting the places. He is also aware of all the problems that you might encounter on an overseas trip, which made our planning a pleasure. The detailed and neatly bound documentation also ensured piece of mind for the inexperienced traveller. Our biggest bonus was the we were able to experiencing Europe in a unique way, by visiting the more interesting and quieter sights where tourist busses do not stop by ourselves,.

Undertaking a self-drive trip is a must! A bit scary during the first two days on the narrow Italian roads, keeping LEFT. However, the experience was sublime. Experiencing on your own the bright blue lakes of Italy, or a traffic jam, driving through the snow capped mountains of Switzerland, feeling insignificant in the presence of the majestic Matterhorn, to be swept away by the clear sound of the cattle’s bells in Heidi’s surroundings, to taste, to hear and to feel the special ambience of the different countries and the romance of cities like Lucerne, Strassbourg and Salzburg, to ALWAYS find neat and comfortable accommodation, to be amazed by the greatness of the cathedrals and churches, the hospitality and helpfulness of the rural Germans, allowing you to pick the sweetest and tastiest strawberries from their crop, experiencing the uniqueness of the Black Forest with cuckoos of all sizes, and to take your time driving the Grosglockner Pass with its entrancing scenes, experiencing the Austrian folk dances on the banks of the Zel am Zee lake, the patience, friendliness and thoughtfulness of other motorists … too many experiences to share, but all of them contributing to a dream come true.

Gillau & Lorraine du Toit

Dear Johann,

It was truly a pleasure to meet you last week at ILTM. Of all our meetings, many of which have blended into a milky soup, our brief time with you stands out clearly. Perhaps because you were the only South African we met; perhaps because you were one of very few men with whom we spoke; but most likely because you made an indelible impression on all of us with your calm, measured words and obvious interest in and respect for Japanese culture. It struck us particularly hard, then, to receive the news of Mandela's passing the very next day…

In any case, while we understand how very far away we are from SA, we also hope that we'll have the opportunity to work with you and your clients at some point. (Or should you yourself make the trip, we'd be very happy to show you "our" Japan.) Please don't hesitate to write with any inquiries or requests, even just to gather information.

All the best and happy holidays,

Lauren Scharf
Editorial Director
The Art of Travel
Experience Japan


Thank you for the very special travel guide you have compiled for our family’s upcoming trip to Israel.
It is absolute comprehensive and with interesting detailed information on so many facets of the country and its history.
We really appreciate your enthusiasm and effort.
On behalf of my family and myself, a word of appreciation for the wonderful personalised tour of Israel;
You have arranged every detail to the T, and the accommodation was excellent.
The very capable guide attended to all our personal needs and played a major role to see that this would be a real pilgrimage for the four of us.

Dr Hendrik Marx & Family

Universtity of the Free State

Engagement ( Les Ombres Restaurant, PARIS FRANCE )

Dear Melanie

I would just like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the arrangements that you made for us.

Everything went smoothly and the trip was certainly unforgettable and an awesome experience.

Les Ombres was great and could not have wished for a better place to get engaged.

Thank you so much.

Mike Jonker

France Tour and River Barging

Melinda and I would like to thank you for your advice and planning of our recent trip to France.

We started dreaming about this trip together with our friends Nic and Stephanie, which led to our appointment with you, broadly expressing our expectations. Because I was experiencing such a hectic year, I had little time to really focus on the detail of the trip. But, from the moment we left it in your hands, you and your staff organized everything – from the booking of the flights, accommodation, transport, everything necessary. You continually kept us informed through detailed e-mail messages, or phone calls from you or your staff. You even booked bicycles for us. I could concentrate on my busy schedule, without spending unnecessary time on organizing the tour.

The travel brochure which included all the travel arrangements and referring information was professionally compiled. Everything worked out as you planned. The rental cars were not too small, the hotels were conveniently situated, our preferred seats on the flight were booked, etc. Your advice regarding sights to be visited was of great value. Your knowledge of France was obvious.

Our experience was that you went out of your way to meet our unique expectations. Throughout the tour we felt that it was compiled especially for us.

Your fees for your services was reasonable. There is no way in which I would consider compiling such a tour on my own.

Thanks again for al your personal effort.

Best regards.

Hendri and Melinda Viljoen


Prague, Budapest, Bratislava and Vienna

Our recent holiday in Prague, Budapest, Bratislava and Vienna was simply amazing, thanks to your first-hand knowledge of the destinations. Everything worked out well and the accommodation was well chosen and really of high quality. We were very lucky with the weather. The first two days in Prague, we had beautiful sunshine and then it suddenly began to snow. It was really a wonderful experience.

We tried out every day the traditional restaurants on your itinerary and really enjoyed the food of Eastern Europe. The highlights of the trip however, were the beautiful buildings in Prague, the incredible view from the Buda Castle and St. Stephan's Dom Church, and the Christmas decorations in Vienna.

Thank you for your good service. We will definitely use your services again.

Klaas and Lientjie Kotzé
Barlow world


Trip to Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Slovenia

Dear Johann

Receive our sincere appreciation for the unforgettable life-experience. Your travel arrangements, choice of accommodation and knowledge regarding what to do and experience in the different countries, was superb. What impressed us time and time again was the choice of accommodation in close vicinity of the main sights, or the place of departure of the bus, train, ferry or airplane to the next destination. It was clear that all this was based on personal experience of the countries, which saved us lots of precious time. Transport and taxis are expensive, and with your spot-on planning with regard to our accommodation, we could in most cases just walk, creating the opportunity to experience the people on the street and their way of life.

The surprise at the end of our tour with the stay in the luxurious theme-hotel, was a highlight. We even bought a book on previous designs of architects specializing in these types of hotels, which we would like to share with you to the benefit of other travellers.

In short, without your knowledge and experience, as well as the intimate and first-hand knowledge of the specific countries, we would have wasted hours searching for experiences to fulfill our dreams. To anyone who wants to undertake a tailor-made tour by themselves without the conformity of an organised tour, we would recommend Sure Etnique Travel in Bloemfontein without any hesitation. Explain to Johann precisely what your expectations are, and be assured that your itinerary will be compiled with the utmost care. It is so reassuring when you wake up in the morning in an unknown country, knowing precisely what you can undertake and see, without spending time on doing research on it by yourself, but also having the freedom of changing your plans, since you are on your own.

Johan & Annalise ZULCH
Executive Director

France River Barging

Hallo Johann – We were on top of the world! A combination of blessed circumstances: fine weather, wonderful travel partners, an itinerary proceeding smoothly, perfectly on time at the appropriate places for attending the events, interesting cruise partners.

Your assistance and information documents were precious, because it made us aware of our surroundings and enabled us to make the most out of each day.

The highlight of our trip was, perhaps, the impromptu invitation by an owner of one of the châteaux’s (of which we came beware of through your background information), to an annual harvest festival in the village of Parnac. I can’t remember another feast that we enjoyed as much. Free flowing Malbec, delectable food, wonderful and warm guests, music and dancing until you drop. What an unforgettable memory.

Thanks again. Greetings.

Dr. Riël du Toit
Port Elizabeth


Self-Drive Ireland

I hereby wish to pay a compliment to Mr. Johann Beukes and Sure Etnique Travel & TRAVELwithus.

I regard myself as an experienced traveler that has been to almost fifty different countries in the world.

I first became aware of him as a guest on a South African radio station that I receive via the internet in Kuwait. From the first moment, Johann communicated in a confident manner. His style of communication created an image of an experienced person who is more than willing to share his depth of knowledge and experience. Based on that, I approached him to assist me in a self-drive tour to Ireland. Johann and his organization exceeded all my expectations. His advice was sound. His documentation was as close to perfect as one can expect. It was comprehensive and complete. The arrangements were perfect. When we arrived at a guest house en route, it was as if we were old friends. This was achieved by the personal interest, involvement and touch of Johann.

His recommendations to site seeing activities could not have been better.
Johann Beukes is a seasoned traveler who has an intimate understanding of travelling and a person who is not in the least unwilling to share his in depth knowledge to whoever will seek his advice and help. This is a person who understands the art of giving rather than receiving.

I have dealt with travel agents from all over the world. I would like to think of Johann as one of the best, if not the best. I have yet to meet with a travel agent who has such a detail orientation and that can apply it to each individual traveler’s desires, needs, wants and peculiarities.

I will recommend the services of Johann Beukes to any traveler from any country.
I wish him and his organization everything of the best and I look forward to make use of his service in my future travel plans.

Frans van Heerden
19 October 2013

Eastern Europe

Dear Johann - It is a pleasure to give feedback on our tour as follows:

• We were immensely impressed with your proposals of routes in order to really see and experience as much as possible in the different countries that we visited. I enjoyed Slovenia the most of all, and in Montenegro we would have missed so much if we hadn’t kept to the route that you advised as first choice.

• Your choice of hotels was unbelievable – always in the hub, without any need for transport, since all the main sights were within walking distance.

• The travel guide that you compile is a must for any traveller. It saves you so much time, not having to undertake research by yourself on what to do and see, as well as where the sights are to be found in the various countries or cities.

• I can confirm that I have never experienced any problems whatsoever with any of my trips overseas that you yourself and Melanie took charge of – no difficulties with things not organised or in place – and that is a big plus!

Thank you so much for your excellent service and travel advice.


Dr Benita Zulch

MLPM Coordinator/Lecturer:
Quantity Surveying and Construction Management

Europe Feedback

Hello Melanie,

We had a marvellous time in Europe.

Our visit had the following high/low lights :

1. The weather was EXTRA kind to us. Most days cool and only a couple of hours of rain – no need for an umbrella or raincoat.
2. Flight to Amsterdam on KLM was not as good as Air France, (two toilets out of order and Staff not as friendly);
3. The train connection from the Airport – Schipol was very smooth (you buy your ticket at a machine) and there are enough attendants to show you what to do and where to go (who luckily speak Dutch and English) – cost very reasonable;
4. From the very crowded Central Station in Amsterdam there are attendants who help you to purchase tram tickets (20 euro for 5 days – as many trips as you like) at the “info” office just outside the station. They even help you to get to the right tram and give you maps and vouchers etc.
5. The trams in Amsterdam are awesome and very cheap. You can go anywhere at any time within the city boundaries. The maps are very clearly marked in colour and the main trams come along every 5-10 mins.
6. Amsterdam has ENOUGH restaurants, coffee shops, Mac Donalds, Starbucks etc etc etc. As you stated eating out is VERY expensive but the supermarkets (especially Deens) has the most fantastic choice of all foods, cheeses, meats, breads etc – All fresh and reasonable!
7. We took the two trips to the country by bus – One to Vollendam (a beautiful quaint town on the North Coast) across the canal on a ferry and to Marken to see how they make clogs and then to the beautiful Windmill town. (e30/person) and then the same afternoon to Delft, Hague and Madurodam (miniatures of all major attractions in the Netherlands).
8. You can book the above tour in one of Many outlets in the City – they are very obliging and there are lots of other tours.
9. If you like Museums, you can get a pass from any Museum and see the newly opened Rijksmuseum (Rembrant’s and other Dutch Masters) for e50 and that gives you access to ALL museums in the Netherlands for a year (without queuing). This we only found out after paying e25 for each of the museums (Ann Frank House etc).
10. The apartment @ 114 ---- (sorry the name hasn’t come to mind) was super nice. Very spacious, clean and fully equipped (dish washer + powder etc) plus coffee & coffee machine, tea, sugar etc – even a washing machine with soap powder & stay-soft. Great value for money. 2 blocks walk away from the tram line to town.
11. The flight to Paris was quick (50mins) and fault free (Schipol Airport – state of the art).
12. Paris shuttle to hotel (he was standing at wrong terminal, but found him eventully).
13. Le Notre Dame Hotel – very cute and such friendly staff – I met the owner and the manager – Simone was a darling (one of the few French persons who helped the most). Hotel to be highly recommended. The room with the view of the Cathedral was AWESOME…. Do order your continental breakfast in bed to appreciate the great view.
14. Don’t use the underground metro system (very rude and unfriendly staff + dirty trains and stations). Rather use the hop-on-hop-off bus. Great view from the top of the open carriages and a commentary of the history as well as the current events – VALUE FOR MONEY.
15. Taxi to the airport (I paid e60 and Cherish paid e96???) you must get a quote from them first as they are inclined to take “the long road”.
16. The flight back in the BIG plane (AIR FRANCE) was comfortable and the seat you booked me was fantastic –

All in All – a very great time had by everyone.

Thank you Melanie for all your trouble and advice…. You know your stuff!!

Kind regards

Janine Wessels

 Trusted supplier

Your website is looking fantastic, very easy to navigate and the images are great. I am sure it is going to be a huge success and we wish you all the best.

Leigh-Ann Proctor
E-Marketing & Social Media

Web Developers

Travel with Us is an amazing website
and I am very proud to have been involved in the development process.
We will always strive to deliver the best possible service.

Servaas de Kock


You are our superstars for recommending Bouzios for our trip!
Idyllic – no such thing as visiting only once.
We will have to go back to this picture perfect destination!

Bouzios is something else - a world away from the bustle of the city. It is quaint with cobbled streets, restaurants, bar and, boutique that line the sidewalks and a distinctive scent – a mixture of granadilla, garlic and other unidentifiable aromas that seep from the streets themselves. It gets you drooling.

The food is exceptional whether you eat at a five star restaurant, local bar or at the beach where they grill the catch of the day on an open fire. Everywhere is casual. The message here is that life is for enjoying!

The villa where we stayed at Feradurra beach was amazing. Built on the cliffs with breath taking views of the bay and coastline.

The language barrier is pretty extreme. It helped to have a few basic Portuguese phrases that you kindly include for us.

This trip was as good as it gets!
Thank you again for all your arrangements.
Spot on as always.

Pieter & Natalie Wagenaar

Switzerland and Italy

We would like to thank you for a wonderful trip. We thoroughly enjoyed the day on the Glacier Express between St Moritz and Zermatt in Switzerland. Everything was planned to the T travelling along the Maggiore, Como and Garda lakes of Lombardy, northern Italy.

Thanks for all the nice places booked, travel plans, route maps and all the detailed background supplied! Based on your extensive travel knowledge, we stayed in the best locations, off the beaten track and really enjoyed every moment. And we had the further advantage of our own pace of travel.

Andre-Johan & Ronel Kotzee

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